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Topic: A Dinner, a Scholarship and a Freedom Grant< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2620
PostIcon Posted on: May 02 2021,2:54 pm   Ignore posts   QUOTE

Some of the corner stones of the Orange Elks Lodge is helping the young people in our city, getting the Drug Awareness message out and supporting our Veterans. We  work with the Orange County Rescue Mission. Their mission is to help the men, women and children who come from many walks of life. Some are highly educated, many are survivors of abuse, addiction, and abandonment. None of these people ever imagined they would be homeless, and they all need our help. The people who come here could be your neighbor, your coworker or perhaps a member of your own family. The goal is to treat each person with respect and dignity. You can visit their web page at
Fifteen of our lodge members prepared the families a great BBQ dinner  that included BBQ Lemon Chicken, Burgers, Beef Hot Dogs, and a selection of salads and desserts.  We provided games and educational toys for the children.
Each year our Lodge’s Veterans Committee selects a veteran and presents a $1,475 scholarship to help with their education expenses. This year Sam Johnson, an Army Veteran working on his Master’s in Theology was the recipient.  
The Elks National Veterans Service Commission awards Freedom Grants of $2,500 to 350 Lodges for projects or donations that will serve veterans and active-duty military members. Our lodge received the Grant, and The Orange County Rescue Mission is receiving the $2,500.
L – R
Brian Fitzpatrick, Paul Pelasky, E R and Sam Johnson

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