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Topic: Gold Star Mothers Visit< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2625
PostIcon Posted on: Aug. 20 2016,10:27 am   Ignore posts   QUOTE

Candy Martin, the American Gold Star Mothers National President, stopped by the Orange Elks Lodge to make a presentation to our living U.S. military veterans who served during the Vietnam War period as a lasting memento of the nation's thanks. Exalted Ruler, Walt McBride escorted the Candy to the Flag Lowering Ceremony in the Plaza and a pin presentation.
The Commemoration was a Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pins for those who served between November 1 1955 to May 15 1975 regardless of your location.
The front of the has an Eagle representing courage, honor, and dedication; the Blue Circle signifies vigilance, perseverance and justice; the Laurel Wreath represents victory, integrity and strength; the Stripes and Stars represent the American flag and the six Stars represent our allies who served, sacrificed and fought alongside one another. The message on the back of the pin reads “A Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You”.
The Gold Star Mothers are an organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of our country. They are a Veterans Service Organization that was established in 1928 and chartered by the United States Congress in 1984.
Our Veterans are people who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check payable to the United States of America, for an amount up to and including their lives.
So Long As There Are Veterans, The Elks Will Never Forget Them.

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