Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman

Posts: 2625

Posted on: Oct. 06 2018,8:49 pm |
Time, Treasure, Talent or Team Work, each member of the Orange Elks has one or more of these qualities. Our lodge has a very successful Drug Awareness Program led by its chairman Mike Cash. During the Elk year we work with the Orange Unified School District (OUSD ) in getting information about the Elks Drug Awareness Programs to the elementary, junior high and high schools in the OUSD. The students can participate in Poster, Essay or Video Contest programs. This year entries from Cerro Villa Junior High and Canyon H S won first place honors at the National Convention in San Antonio for their Videos. At each schools’ presentation were members of the Orange Unified School District, an Orange County Supervisor, a State Senator, an Assemblymen, a U S Congresswomen and members from the Orange and Anaheim Police Departments.
L – R at Cerro Villa Mike Cash, CVTV Instructor Bernard Tayag and Principal Lisa Ogan
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Post Number: 2
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman

Posts: 2625

Posted on: Oct. 06 2018,8:50 pm |
L – R at Canyon H S Principal James Abercrombie, Mike Cash and Instructor Alex Graham
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