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Topic: David Krebs< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2617
PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 05 2015,9:09 pm  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Working on a list of the organ-donor for the Orange Elks Lodge, I ran into Tracey and Chris Cooper. In talking to them about the Organ Donor program, I found out about Tracey’s dad David Krebs.  He was an officer in the lodge and enjoyed volunteering. His favorite program was the lodge’s Christmas Basket program where the lodge delivered food basket to needy families in Orange. In November of  2008 David died from a  cerebral stroke. Fortunately, he had told his daughter Tracey that he wanted to be an organ-donor. Tracey learned that his tissue and cornea donations became Christmas gifts for 50 to 100 people. "We feel awesome that his donations got to be gifts for others at his favorite time of year," Tracey said. "Anytime we feel sad when thinking of him, we just start thinking about how many lives he changed just from his family saying 'yes'." Each year, there is a Donate Life Rose Parade Float has serves as a memorial to organ and tissue donors.  In 2009, Tracey and Chris started helping on the float. This year the floats theme is “The Never-Ending Story” and Tracey’s dad will be one of the seventy two Floragraphs pictured. There were a total of 72 florapgraphs placed on the Donate Life Float 2015 Tournament of Roses Parade. The float was entitled “The Never Ending Story” which fit the Parade’s Theme of ‘Inspiring Stories’. Florapgraph selection is done by sponsoring Organ Procurement Organizations. Each organization receiving a specific number of spots. The OneLegacy Foundation is the organization that sponsored Dave Krebs’ floragraph, with one of their six spots. Floragraph families that are local to Pasadena have an opportunity to decorate their loved one’s florapgraph, if they so wish. This was the case with Dave’s floragraph. When the float is dismantled, the florapgraphs will be removed, professionally framed and delivered to the families.

L – R Anne Grey, Executive Director of the OneLegacy Foundation, Tracey Cooper (holding her Father’s floragraph) and Chris Cooper

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 Post Number: 2
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2617
PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 05 2015,9:10 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

L –  R   Cindy Corrales, Tom Roberton, Lynn Carrillo, Tracey Cooper and Chris Cooper

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