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We reserve the right to remove comments and or materials from the Orange Elks Lodge 1475 Message Board when those

• are hateful or mean-spirited.
• are potentially libelous, obscene, or sexually explicit.
• are personal attacks, or involve profanity or insults.
• are private or public information published without Lodge consent.
• violate any law or promote the violation of any law.
• contribute to or encourage discrimination or harassment.
• display photos of Members drinking or smoking, or considered harmful to the Elks' image and reputation.
• contain the names of minors.
• divulge Lodge business that may violate your Obligation.
• are not positive and informative.

We reserve the right to terminate someone's ability to post when any of the aforementioned has been posted.

Thank you for your understanding.

Last Updated: Sep. 24 2015,5:00 am

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