Post Number: 1
Doug Wells
Past COB

Posts: 2327

Posted on: Jul. 16 2009,1:48 pm |
Our lodge will be doing our “Christmas in July” Visitation to the VA Hospital on July 20th.
Please meet at the Lodge before 5:30 PM so that we can carpool. We encourage all lodge officers and as many members as possible to be a part of this special event.
Please see Brian or Stephanie Fitzpatrick for more details.
Fraternally yours, Brian & Stephanie Fitzpatrick Veteran’s Co-Chairmen
-------------- Have a great !
Post Number: 2
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman

Posts: 2625

Posted on: Jul. 22 2009,6:54 am |
Seventeen members of the Orange Elks Lodge visited the Long Beach Veterans Hospital to treat 21 Veterans to a Christmas in July. Elks from several other lodges in the Orange Coast District were also there.. The lodge provided $100 dollars for Bingo, a gift bag that included toiletry gifts, an American flag, an hand written card that said “Our vets will never be forgotten.  Thank you for your service. God Bless you and God Bless America" and included a five dollar bill. Every veteran won at least $5.00 in Bingo.  This is a special program our lodge does to show our appreciation to the veterans for their part in keeping our country safe.

(L-R) Brian Fitzpatrick, Stephanie Fitzpatrick, Larry Nelson VietNam vet. and Gejo Millian

(L-R) Omer St Pierre, Korean vet, Pat Edmundson and Jerrie Trijullo Korean vet