Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman

Posts: 2625

Posted on: May 24 2015,1:58 pm |
“As long as there is a Vet, the Orange Elks will never forget”. During the year, the lodge does many things for our Veterans and this week was no different. We helped cook lunch for some very special people. Seventeen members from the Orange Elks Lodge went to the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station to prepare a BBQ luncheon for Los Alamitos Aviation Unit B Co., 640th Airborne Support Battalion deploying to Kuwait this fall. Two hundred and fifty army soldiers along with two hundred of their family and friends were attending a pre-deployment meeting prior to departing in the fall. The luncheon included all the fixing’s for a barbeque which was supported by the Orange County USO and other local donators as well. The lodge donated a little over $250.00, purchased and prepped much of the food and enjoyed cooking Hamburgers and Hot Dogs for the 250 soldiers and their families, including some hungry Marines who joined in late in the afternoon! The Family Day Event gave the soldiers and their families a chance to meet each other before leaving later this year, enjoying Horseshoes, Softball, Tug-o-Wars, Frisbee and many children’s games as well. Many of the soldiers indicated that this was the best Family Day Event they had attended before being deployed.
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Post Number: 2
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman

Posts: 2625

Posted on: May 24 2015,2:02 pm |
Grill master, Dave Ober
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