Doug Wells
Past COB

Posts: 2327

Posted on: May 01 2024,8:21 am |
The Orange Elks support our Community, our Veterans, and our Youth!
The Orange Elks supported our community and one of our communities' partners, the Homeless Intervention Services of Orange County. The lodge made a $1,000 donation to the Homeless Intervention Services of Orange (HIS-OC).
The HIS-OC integrates job training, therapy, case management, and education for each client's specific needs. These shelters provide a safe place for families to stay. Homeless Intervention Services of Orange County has been helping people find their way home since 1989.
L to R JC Cortez, Rick Ponce, Marilyn Dinger, Terrie Schatz, Alfa Hernandez, Jennifer Zerbst & Janine Storm
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-------------- Have a great !