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Topic: OPA 4th of July Parade< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Doug Wells
Posts: 2314
PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 28 2013,2:29 pm  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Orange Park Acres
Fourth of July Parade

Thursday, July 4, 2013
9:30 AM

You are cordially invited to Orange Park Acres' 44th Annual 4th of July Parade. The theme of this year's parade is "Havin' Fun in OPA."

Check in area will be located at Orange Park Blvd & Frank Street from 7:45 AM until 9:00 AM.  Parade starts at 9:30 AM sharp.  As soon as you check in, go to your position and wait to be called in.  The parade route is East on Frank to Meads, South on Meads, cross over Orange Park Blvd, around Meads Loop, then North on Orange Park Blvd to Salem for popsicles. (2.5 miles - 1.5 hours)

Judging of all classes will be located at Orange Park Blvd, between Meads and Amapola.  All units are to keep moving at a safe distance of 30 feet apart, no gaps or crowding, please. (5 miles per hour)

The awards will be given out at the trails meeting on Wednesday July 17th, located at Moreno's Restaurant at 7:30 PM.

Categories being judged:
1. Cars, Trucks
2. Band
3. Mounted Horse Single/Group Open
4. Horse, Pony, Mule or Donkey Drawn
5. Golf Carts, Tractors
6. Bicycle, Cycle Single/Group
7. Walking Novelty Single/Group
8. Commercial Organization
9. Non-Profit Organization

Our Elk Veterans need your help. We need Elks who wish to participate in the parade.

Please email:

• Scott McKee - Vietnam & Desert Storm - Dept of Veteran Affairs - VFW

• Jim Torres - Disabled American Veterans(DAV) - Santa Ana Chapter #23

• Don "Woody" Wood - Vietnam Vet - American Legion Riders

Also, any "Orange Elk" who would like to enter the parade using their own trucks & signs telling everything we do as "Elks."

I hope to have newspapers & TV news there as well.

Thank you, Sue Fraser
14 yr member - Friend of Vets

Have a great ! :good

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 Post Number: 2
Doug Wells
Posts: 2314
PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 30 2013,8:07 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

The Orange Elks Lodge 1475 presents our American veterans at The Orange Park Acres Fourth of July Parade.  The parade is Thursday the fourth of July at 9:30 AM.  The parade will start off with the Vietnam Veteran American Legion Riders and the Patriot Guard Riders (the escorts of the Vietnam wall).  Following will be veterans from Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq to present.  Then vets from WWII, Korea and Vietnam.  Last will be veterans with disabilities.

The rest of the parade will follow.  After the parade there will be a gathering back at our house (the seventh house into the parade).  There will be reserved parking for media and all vets.

Please come and join us for this patriotic event.

Keith and Sue Fraser
20102 Frank St.
Orange, Ca. 92869
Home #714 997-0201
Cell #714 402-4193

Have a great ! :good

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 Post Number: 3
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2617
PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 07 2013,7:39 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

At the Orange Park Acres' 44th Annual 4th of July Parade, veterans, scouts and members from the Orange Elks Lodge # 1475 participated.

“As long as there is a Vet, the Orange Elks will never forget” Thank you for your service to our country, we are truly grateful to you. At our lodge when we see a soldier or find out they have served, we walk up to them and say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!”  Orange Lodge member, Jim Duncan a WW2 veteran, received a big “Thank You” for his service to our country!

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 Post Number: 4
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2617
PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 07 2013,7:40 pm Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Our Boy and Girls Scout troops are usually working and helping at these events. Today they were able to enjoy a parade!
Thanks to Thomas Ruff for the pictures!

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