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Topic: The Orange Elks Scout Troops and Meal Deals, The Orange Elks Scout Troops and Meal De< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2613
PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 03 2010,7:49 am   Ignore posts   QUOTE

The Orange Elks Scout Troops and Meal Deals

Every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Orange Elks Lodge members cook meal deals to raise money for the different lodge activities. Michael O’ Donoghue announced the new formation of Girl Scout Troop #11475 for our lodge. The Thursday Meal Deal crew donated $250 to the girls. The Tuesday Meal Deal crew donated $500 to the Boy Scout Troop and $250 to our Cub Scout Troop.

The lodges Boy Scout Troop #1475 Bugler, Daniel Schroeder is a member of the Pacific Crest Drum and Bugle Corps. The lodge donated $250 to Daniel for his participation this summers nation wide tour.  The Drum and Bugle Corp will travel around the United States and performed competitions, concerts, and parades. Daniel is the bugler for Scout Troop #1475.

The lodge donated $250 to Daniel for his Eagle Scout Project. Daniel is building a habitat for butterflies.

Daniel Schroeder is pictured

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