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Topic: Girl Scout Awards< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2613
PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 10 2022,10:10 am   Ignore posts   QUOTE

The Girl Scout Troop 1475 celebrated the 110th birthday of the Girl Scouts (March 12, 1912).  Exalted Ruler Paul Pelasky, First Lady Deanna Pelasky, Leading Knight Roz Peggins, and Scouting Chairman Joseph Medina were on hand to give out the Elks Awards and Ceremonial Flags to the recipients of the Girl Scouts Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards. The Bronze Award for Fourth and Fifth grade girls and the Silver Award for Seventh and Eighth grade girls.  The Girls receive the awards for completing projects that make the world a better place and they are the highest award they can receive for their age group. The Gold Award is the most prestigious award a Senior Girl Scout can achieve for developing and carrying out solutions to issues in their neighborhoods and beyond.
Orange Lodge was honored to award our recognition to one Bronze recipient, two Silver recipients and one Gold Award Rockstar!

Pictured are the Silver recipient winners.
L ? R
Paul Pelasky, Mayson Iames, Bhavna Malladi &  Roslyn Peggins

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