Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman

Posts: 2625

Posted on: Jul. 30 2020,7:42 am |
Our Troop 1475 has been busy throughout the quarantine and social distancing mandate, we are meeting weekly via ZOOM and have even had an opportunity to “camp” separately at home but together using ZOOM for dinner and a campfire. Our Scouts have been so busy that on Saturday July 17, we had to have a Court of Honor to celebrate all of their accomplishments!!!! We added 2 new Scouts to the Troop - Caleb Szychulda and Luke Adams. 3 Scouts advance in rank, Luke Adams advanced Scout Rank; Connor Layton advanced to Star Rank; John Zelinka advanced to Life Rank. Our Scouts earned 15 Merit Badges; 10 of those Eagle Required. We have 2 Scouts well on their way to making Eagle, Kent Tran and Logan Smith. Kent has completed his project and has a few lose ends to tie up. Logan is in the final stages of his project and should be done in the next few weeks. Despite COVID, we have been able to hike at Santiago Oaks and the Santiago Creek Trail, all while being socially distant. We have also been able to serve our community; the Troop was able to keep 2 arms lengths away while spreading joy to our residents at The Palmyra senior apartment complex at 301 S. Glassell. We made signs of encouragement and sang patriotic songs as the seniors watched and listened from their balcony’s and patios…. They we very appreciative!!! Troop 1475 would like to take this time to send well wishes to all our 1475 Elk lodge members. We would also like to acknowledge our Lodge Liaison, Jesse Jones; ER Danny Sales; Leading Knight Paul Pelasky and all the Lodge Officers; the COB Steve Cearley and the trustees THANK YOU for your continued support. Yours in Scouting and Elkdom, Joseph Medina
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