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Topic: Brian Delgado, Eagle Scout< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
Bill Neessen
Elk of the Year, POY, Public Relations Chairman
Posts: 2625
PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 18 2015,8:46 am   Ignore posts   QUOTE

Michael O’Donoghue, an Orange Elks member and past Scout Master for the Orange Elks Lodge Boy Scout Troop #1475, presided over the Court of Honor for Brian Delgado. Brian is the tenth Eagle Scout from our troop since 2006. As a side note, this is the third set of brothers to receive the Boy Scouts highest award. The Matrinez Brothers, Daniel and Roberto, the Marin Brothers, Garrett and Dillon and now Brian and his brother Jonathan. Brian and Jonathan were in the troop at the same time and Brian acquired the nick name “D2”.  

The Eagle Scout Court of Honor is the highest honor the Boy Scouts of America offers.
Many congratulation letters were received from people all over the United States including president Barack Obama, Senator Diane Feinstein and the Air Force Academy to name a few. He received a certificate from the Orange Lodge and a U S flag flown over the capital from Congressman Ed Royce.

Brian’s accomplishments include 22 merit badges, Arrow of Light, Order of the Arrow, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and Senior Patrol Leader. Brian’s best scouting experience was his very first campout at Camp Chawanakee where he realized that scouting was what he wanted to do! As a leader of the troop he enjoyed helping the younger scouts and helped getting them through their required duties. Brian was able to complete the Eagle Scout requirements at the age of sixteen. He indicated that his priorities were his family, his church, his studies and the scout troop.

For his project, he designed and built a three part information center for the El Modena Nature Center. The lodge donated $300 for the project. He is a junior at El Modena High School where he is a member of the Cross County and Track and Field Teams, a member of the National Society of High School Scholars and plans to major in Biology. He plans for a career with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and wants to become a Wildlife Officer.

In his acceptance, Brian thanked his mom and dad and his scout leaders who helped him along the way to his award. Brian asked for a moment of silence for Larry Loustaunau who was one of his scout leaders and was a founding member of scout troop 1475 in 2006. Larry passed away earlier this year.  

Brian is a “Doer”, has a sense of humor, is always there to help the other scouts, always wanted to make it fun for the scouts, is a leader and he is very humble.

The Delgado Family
L – R Gonzalo, Brian, Jenny and Jonathan

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